08 May 2017
GIDRM and partners initiate multi-stakeholder training course development for private sector disaster and climate resilience
GIDRM, in association with the iPrepare Business facility at ADPC, co-organised a 4-day Course Developers’ Workshop from 8-12 May, 2017, in Bangkok, Thailand. The Course Developers’ Workshop brought together risk management and training experts from the private and public sector. Among the participants were representatives from the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM), Thailand, the Philippines Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF), and the National Disaster Management Center, Maldives as well as members of the Hotel Resilient Expert Group.
Using the TrainX-methodology, the participants started the development of five training courses related to private sector disaster and climate resilience putting the needs of the future users in the focus. The five training courses will be used as tools to strengthen the disaster and climate resilience of SMEs, enhance the resilience of supply chains and support hotel owners in implementing the Hotel Resilient multi-hazard risk management standards. GIDRM and partners are working closely together to have the validated courses ready by September 2017.