
Files & Documents

GIDRM IV: Factsheet

Size 326.19 KB

GIDRM IV: Factsheet (French)

Size 331.08 KB

GIDRM IV factsheet (Click on the 'English' button for the Georgian version; and "Spanish" for the German version)

Size 395.14 KB

GIDRM: Overview phases I-III

Size 380.60 KB

GIDRM III: Factsheet

Size 259.71 KB

GIDRM III: Key messages on risk-informed development

Size 224.43 KB

GIDRM III: Applying an intersectional lens to risk-informed development

Size 241.35 KB

GIDRM III: Operationalisation of the Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning (LA GUÍA) in Colombia

Size 2.18 MB

GIDRM III: Factsheet on our approach to strengthen critical infrastructure resilience in Lesotho

Size 326.36 KB

GIDRM III: Roadmap for the INFORM Subnational Risk Model in the SADC region

Size 323.55 KB

GIDRM III: Factsheet on community-based approaches to risk-informed development in Georgia
(Use 'Spanish' button to download the Georgian version)

Size 302.92 KB

GIDRM III: Factsheet on our approach to strengthen critical infrastructure resilience in cooperation with the CDRI

Size 277.60 KB

GIDRM III: Factsheet on our cooperation with the Red SNIP in Latin America and the Caribbean

Size 314.74 KB

GIDRM III: Factsheet on our cooperation with ICAP in Latin America and the Caribbean

Size 318.04 KB

GIDRM III: Factsheet on strengthening multi-risk approaches in Colombia

Size 349.49 KB

GIDRM III: Disaster risks and human mobility in Colombia | Riesgo de desastres and movilidad humana en Colombia

Size 2.52 MB

GIDRM III: Factsheet on our cooperation with the SADC in Southern Africa

Size 246.15 KB

GIDRM III: Strengthening Decision-Making for Risk-informed Development - Lessons learnt from Climate Resilient Economic Development

Size 453.95 KB

GIDRM III: DRM & Development

Size 479.65 KB

GIDRM III: Resilient public investment: Post-Covid economic recovery in LAC

Size 990.53 KB

GIDRM III: Application of the PEIVC protocol in Georgia: Risk-informed decision-making processes (Georgian version available via the "Spanish" button)

Size 2.03 MB

GIDRM III: Report on MTA-DS Trainings in Georgia (Please click on the Spanish Button for the Georgian version)

Size 3.03 MB

GIDRM II: Factsheet

Size 375.07 KB

GIDRM II: Key messages on coherence

Size 198.21 KB

GIDRM II: Coherence as the process of joint and integrated policy making

Size 2.29 MB

GIDRM II: Guidance Note on Coherence by GIDRM

Size 1.35 MB

GIDRM II: Fragility & Coherence | Summary of Recommendation Report

Size 796.35 KB

GIDRM II: Information Governance for Disaster Risk Reduction (IG4DRR)

Size 1.04 MB

GIDRM II: Information Governance for Disaster Risk Reduction (IG4DRR) -- Poster

Size 516.97 KB

GIDRM II: Mainstreaming Gender within Local Government Climate and Disaster Risk Assessments

Size 863.51 KB

GIDRM II: Practical Definition of Criticality regarding Road Infrastructure

Size 799.98 KB

GIDRM II: DRM in Public Investments in Highways

Size 1.12 MB

GIDRM II: Costs and benefits of (in)coherence: Disaster Risk Reduction in the Post-2015-Agenda (UNU)

Size 4.46 MB

Cookbook on Coherence by GNDR (Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction)

Size 1.64 MB

GIDRM II: Key Messages on Coherence by RCC (Regional Consultative Committee on Disaster Management) - Perspectives from Asia and the Pacific

Size 582.17 KB

GIDRM II: Policy Brief on Coherence by RCC (Regional Consultative Committee on Disaster Management)

Size 756.02 KB

GIDRM I: Standards on Disaster Risk Management for Hotels and Resorts

Size 1.71 MB

GIDRM I: Tsunami Early Warning Systems in Indonesia

Size 1.17 MB

GIDRM I: Local Flood Early Warning Systems; Mozambique & the Philippines

Size 1.26 MB

GIDRM I: Hydrometeorological Early Warning in the Dominican Republic

Size 1.22 MB

GIDRM I: Public Warnings on Mobile Phones

Size 1.19 MB

GIDRM I: Urban resilience

Size 1,020.19 KB

GIDRM I: Integrated Fire Safety and Risk Management in Industry Clusters

Size 352.63 KB

GIDRM I: Suitability Model

Size 595.38 KB

GIDRM I: Strengthening Resilience of Small and Medium Businesses

Size 519.59 KB


GIDRM III: Risk-informed development: Anticipating the unpredictable

GIDRM III: The enabling environment: Shaping development cooperation to be risk-informed

GIDRM III: Promoting resilient critical infrastructure for risk-informed and sustainable development

Germany's Official Statement at the 2022 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

GIDRM II: Sustainability through Coherence

GIDRM II: Agenda Coherence in Germany

Germany's Official Statement at the 2019 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

Systemic understanding of risk-informed development (RID) in Georgia