10 Mar 2015

GIDRM at the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction


In January 2005, only a few weeks after the devastating Indian Ocean Tsunami, 168 UN member states adopted the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) in Kobe, Japan. The HFA called for the implementation of effective disaster risk reduction measures worldwide. The Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR), in Sendai, Japan on 14 - 18 March, aims to review the implementation of the HFA and to adopt a Post-2015 Framework. An estimated 3500 delegates from all over the world are expected to attend the conference, among those also representatives of GIDRM.

Together with UNISDR, UNWTO, PATA and Japan Tourism Marketing, GIDRM is part of the co-organising committee of the Working Session ‘Towards a Resilient Tourism Sector’. Parliamentary State Secretary Silberhorn will be delivering the keynote speech. GIDRM promotes strengthening resilience in the tourism sector through the Hotel Resilient Initiative that aims to develop risk management standards for hotels and resorts. The Hotel Resilient Initiative will be introduced in a Side Event at the WCDRR. GIDRM has also organized the Side Event ‘Achieving Disaster Resilience – Advancements in Development Partner Policy and Practice‘ in joint cooperation with Asian Development Bank (ADB). The event aims to improve knowledge and understanding of shifts in DRM policies and practices adopted by development partners, lessons learned, challenges encountered, and directions going forward to ensure that development assistance takes account of disaster risk and contributes to strengthened disaster resilience. GIDRM will also present on the Harmonisation of Early Warning Alert Levels at the IGNITE Stage. Public awareness and understanding of early warning alert messages are essential to take appropriate action in the case of a disaster.