01 Feb 2018
GIDRM second phase begins with new focus on practical coherence
February 1st, Bonn ‒ The Global Iniatiative on Disaster Risk Management II commences with a new focus on practical coherence for resilience in a world of global agendas.
Background: from the pillarization of global agendas towards practical coherence.
The euphoria surrounding the development of global agendas only led to limited alignment of different agreements. Especially during the implementation of agendas, international policy processes are not using synergies sufficiently, leading to duplications and overlapping. Different financing and support mechanisms of the global agendas reinforce inefficiencies.
This situation potentially leads to considerable additional burden: transaction costs are increased due to overlapping responsibilities and duplicative data collection and reporting. At the same time, countries incur tremendous opportunity costs when DRM is not considered in their national climate adaptation, urban development and economic and social development plans and policies.
The Approach of GIDRM II: fostering practical coherence
In its second phase, GIDRM II supports selected international and national, governmental and non-governmental actors in their ambition for coherence regarding planing, implementation and reporting of DRM between Sendai-Framework and Paris Climate Agreement, as well as Agenda 2030 and Habitat III. With a focus on "bottom-up", national and sub-national examples of successful agenda-coherence will be presented at regional platforms. The examples will then be introduced as regional recommendations at international conferences to be confirmed as good practices.
The Global Initiative is working in the regions of Latin America/Caribbean as well as Asia/Pacific, focussing on vulnerable countries which possess the necessary institutional capacities and an established international cooperation portfolio. Hence, the two pilot countries are Mexico and the Philippines.
More information on the new focus of GIDRM II to follow.