25 Mar 2016
GIDRM brings together representatives from science, industry and politics on the topic of effective early warning systems
Early warning systems detect emerging risks at an early stage. The information is automatically sent to operations centre, to inform those in at-risk areas. An early and effective response reduces losses due to extreme weather events. The importance and effectiveness of early warning systems have been highlighted at the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held in Sendai, Japan in March 2015 and at the Paris Climate Conference.
For decades, Germany has been committed and successful in the development and promotion of early warning systems. This includes specific and innovative technologies and services, for instance, in the field of information and warning systems.
In 2016, the GIDRM organized two workshops in order to pool German expertise in early warning systems and to jointly develop products that respond to the global challenges and demand. On February 1st, the first GIDRM workshop was held in Berlin at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS). Academic experts discussed the "implementation and advancements of national early warning systems – how to leverage existing competencies on an international scale?” GIZ can demonstrate here its long-standing experience in the implementation of a national tsunami early warning system in Indonesia.
During the workshop, participants explored synergies and discussed approaches for a joint product development. Few weeks later, on March 07th, the “exchange of expertise on early warning systems” took place at the GIZ in Bonn. Representatives from ministries, academia and industry discussed opportunities to focus their expertise to develop and pilot solutions in partner countries. At both events, the GIZ and GIDRM recognized a strong interest and gained an insight into existing capacities and competencies in Germany.
Cover photo: © Dave Martinez