To stay informed about GIDRM's current news and events, check for our regular updates in the news section.
GIDRM supports Georgian Universities and NEA with Field Laboratory Equipment
On October 31st, 2022, Transfer Ceremony of Field Geological Equipment was held in the scope of GIDRM’s commitment to support…
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Workshop on “rockfall reconnaissance, modeling and mitigation design” in Tbilisi, Georgia
Between the 1st and 4th November 2022, the GIDRM conducted a practical field and laboratory course on rockfall reconnaissance,…
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GIDRM at SADC’s Seasonal Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning Workshop
The 26th Southern African Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF-26) was constituted by climate scientists from SADC Member States…
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Towards Risk-Informed Sustainable Development in the SADC region
GIDRM & SADC Secretariat at SASDiR’s 5th Biennial Conference As a community of practice for disaster risk reduction in the…
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SADC Strategic Retreat: Making the case for risk-informed development
Last week, from 29th August-2nd September 2022, a Strategic Prioritisation Retreat was held by the Southern African Development…
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Protecting public investments in Lesotho for resilient and sustainable water supply
The Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho is the water tower for the Southern African region. Water is Lesotho’s principal natural…
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GIDRM at the Botswana Global Adaptation Week
Gaborone, 22-26 August 2022—This year’s “Botswana Climate Adaptation Week 2022” was co-hosted by the Government of Botswana…
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GIDRM at the WUF11: Fostering risk-informed urban development to advance urban resilience action
In light of challenges posed by multiple natural and human-made hazards, the climate emergency, growing interdependencies…
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GIDRM at the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Disaster Preparedness Workshop
Johannesburg, 28-30 June 2022 — The “Southern Africa-Indian Ocean (SA-IO) Disaster Preparedness ECHO and Partners Workshop”…